We want to inform you that financial support is available via NSW Government for flood-affected primary producers and landholders.
If you’ve been affected by storms and floods, you may be eligible for a range of grants and loans, including:
Special Disaster Grant – up to $75,000 for eligible flood-impacted primary producers
Critical Producer Grant – up to $100,000 for eligible flood-impacted primary producers
Rural Landholder Grant – up to $25,000 for eligible flood-impacted landholders and oyster farmers
Disaster Relief Loan – low-interest loans of up to $130,000 for eligible primary producers
Natural Disaster Transport Subsidy – a subsidy for eligible farmers to help with the cost of transporting fodder, water and stock.
If you’re not sure where to start, you can use the NSW Government Disaster Assistance Finder to find the right support for your circumstances.